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Canon EOS R Talk Forum

Welcome to the Canon EOS R Talk Forum, the place to discuss Canon EOS R digital cameras and RF lenses. Community moderator: Mako2011.

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fairfaxian 23 replies
Nunataks 13 replies
BirdShooter7 35 replies
yazcui 13 replies
BirdShooter7 53 replies
kparseg 3 replies
WildImages 4 replies
Ferenc MOGOR 6 replies
LetBeLight 13 replies
fierojo 7 replies
Ali 0 replies
dmanthree 10 replies
simjn 4 replies
luckyheel317 0 replies
CameraCarl 11 replies
Dracones 11 replies
WildImages 124 replies
Son of Thunder 25 replies
Bazzaboy2010 149 replies
Ferenc MOGOR 16 replies