Bird - RGB

Challenge #8 in the Birds Only :-) series. Hosted by number_5.
Challenge has finished
Submit a photo of a bird or birds contain red, green, and/or blue color. Color only, no black and white. No previous challenge entries. Will be DQing during the voting stage, so please read the rules.
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phase has
44 entries
phase has
420 votes
Green Hermit in the rain
Eastern rosella
Papuan Pitta
Purple Gallinule
Flying among Flowers
Rainbow Lorikeet
Rainbow Lorikeets on a tree branch
Rainbow Lorikeet 2
Rose-ringed parakeet, male, in his native India
Painted Bunting
Mandarin ducks
Vermilion Flycatcher
Mr. Tom
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Sample entries
These entries were provided by the challenge host(s) as samples and cannot be voted on.
Mallard - green head, a patch of blue, and NOT red feet
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