EF lenses on R Bodies

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cfk10 New Member • Posts: 14
EF lenses on R Bodies

When you look at the design philosophy of the new canon rf lenses they have a larger design, because they have to cover the moving ibis image sensor.

So the question that I have is: What happens with the ef lenses? The EF Lenses are designed for DSLR and without any ibis in mind, so they do not cover a larger area of image than the new rf lenses.

When I adapt my Canon EF 50mm f1.2 L lens to my R6 Mark II the images are quite different than using that same lens with my 5D Mark IV. Especially bokeh areas, out-of-focus areas, look different to me. And of course the images with the 5D Mark IV look better than with the R6 Mark II. I am not sure if you can call it "flawless" adapting of ef lenses to r bodies, it feels like you do sacrifice something.

And I really would like to know how the ef lens works with the moving ibis sensor, when the rf lenses have a larger design, but the ef not.

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Canon EOS R6 Canon EOS R6 Mark II
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