Would You Pay More For A Lens Guaranteed To Be Sharper?

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JohnSil Senior Member • Posts: 1,995
Would You Pay More For A Lens Guaranteed To Be Sharper?

A very short history on this concept. Im not a gun guy but know that in the late 1800's Winchester Arms would bench shoot every barrel manufactured for accuracy. They found that some barrels were naturally more accurate than others. So they started to apart the most accurate barrels in a group of 100 and then the most accurate out of a group of 1000.

So out of those 100 they would engrave the most accurate one with the moniker "One of One Hundred", and the most accurrate out of those ten would be engraved "One of One Thousand". These guns were then fastioned into a fancier gun and sold for a premium. They are today the most sought after collector items.

Using the same concept, if every lens is tested, and I know every lens is tested to meet minimum standards for that lens, and the sharpest lenses out of 100 could be labled and guaranteed sharper than the other 99, would you pay a bit more for a sharper lens?

Maybe in the case of Canon, a gold and red ring could identify that lens. How often do you read when looking at a used lens described as ultra-sharp or sharper than average copy etc. Based on what?

A $3000 lens might cost $3500. A $10,000 might cost $11,000 or a $350 might be $400! It's resale would be higher as well and likely sought after.

Would YOU pay more to be guaranteed the sherpest lens in a batch of 100 copies? That lens would resolve a few more lines per mm, guaranteed by the manufacturer! Maybe even come with it's own MTF Certificate!!!


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