In praise of the humble DX

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NoosaPete Regular Member • Posts: 462
In praise of the humble DX

I read so often of all the downfalls of the Nikon Z, APC-S cameras that I feel that I should stand up for them. OK, so the native lens sellection is limited (but there are plenty of fx and third party options) and they don't have in body stabilization but most of the lenses do.

The thing is that I believe that the DX cameras are aimed at people like me - just your average non profesional enthusiast who enjoys taking photos. Very few people except me see the results and when my wife or friends see the odd shot they are usually complimentary. Isn't that all that matters? Of course, if you are a professional photographer that's a different matter.

I have a Z50 and a zfc with the two kit zooms, the 12-28mm and the 24mm prime. Really that covers all I need. Sure, if a new, higher spec Dx comes out I may be tempter (but that will just be GAS.!)

So thank you Nikon. I am enjoying your Z DX cameras.

Happy New Year and best wishes to you all.

 NoosaPete's gear list:NoosaPete's gear list
Nikon Z50 Nikon Z 16-50mm F3.5-6.3 VR Nikon Z 50-250mm F4.5-6.3 VR Nikon 12-28mm F3.5-5.6 PZ Nikon Nikkor Z DX 24mm F1.7
Nikon Z fc Nikon Z50
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