2024: purple fringing with panasonic lenses on olympus bodies

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chrishurley Contributing Member • Posts: 816
2024: purple fringing with panasonic lenses on olympus bodies

I remember hearing and reading about an issue mixing and matching.   I find myself favoring Olympus bodies but Panasonic lenses and wondered if this was still an issue in 2024.  Some had said that it stopped being a problem after the EM5 but that seems to not actually be true.

I didn't have my e-M1.2 handy, but I did have my em10.2.  As a basic test, I shot a high contrast subject with the Lumix 14mm prime on my em10.2 and got a well defined purple edge.   The same subject shot with the 14mm end of the Olympus kit lens had no purple edge, though it did have a faint green edge.

Wondering whether this purple is correctable in software, I pulled it up in Adobe Camera Raw (whose noise reduction capabilities are quite impressive for my u4/3 cameras) and found that the CA corrections were ineffective.

On the other hand, I did find that the defringing tool was very effective on the purple.  The green took a little more effort.

This was not a real world shot so I don't know how it will work in normal situations but it worked pretty well for my test.

Sorry- I didn't save the samples.

Is this still generally a known issue?

Olympus E-M1 Olympus OM-D E-M10
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